Your caucus is showing

After delivering John Kerry in 2004, Iowa has at last redeemed itself.  Hillary’s 3rd place finish confirmed that people are sick-and-damned-tired of the same old establishment candidates.  While I’m not yet convinced that Obama is substantially different, he has at least identified that fatigue and made it a centerpiece of his campaign strategy.

It was also nice to see Huckabee win for the GOP.  I disagree with just about 100% of his beliefs, but his background suggests he doesn’t have the authoritarian mindset that most of his colleagues proudly possess.  He is also the only GOP candidate thus far to suggest that the past 7 years weren’t perfect, which in any other alternate universe wouldn’t be noteworthy but in this one is downright scandalous. If he’s willing to say something like that in the primaries, then perhaps he would act differently as president – perhaps he would even reverse some of the constitutional damage Bush and Cheney have wrought.

But I digress… using the current administration as a benchmark for the next one does all of us an injustice (I believe Bush referred to it as “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”)

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